What should Guy Fieri name his first Italian restaurant in Columbus?

We turned to our readers to help brainstorm the name of Guy Fieri’s first Italian restaurant opening this spring at Scioto Downs.

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The restaurateur continuously pays homage to his hometown. | Photo by @guyfieri

Guy Fieri is bringing his first Italian restaurant to Columbus, but there’s one problem: The eatery is still nameless.

So, we turned to our readers to help choose the best name for the restaurant at Scioto Downs. Here’s what you came up with:

“I would suggest the name “Trattoria Colombo” to honor both his Italian and Columbus roots,” said Reader Tony L.

“My favorites would be: Trifecta, Front-Runner, Blinkers,” suggested Reader Nancy F.

“Città del sapore = “Flavor Town” in Italian!” said Reader Shannon S.

“Guy’s restaurant has to be called CIAO! at the Downs, as in Chow Down,” shared reader Nancy H.

We’re not sure if Guy will spy these suggestions, but they all sound great to us. Do any of these jump out to you as front-runners? Let us know.

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